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Spearwood Academy Volume Six (The Spearwood Academy Book 6) Page 3

  I drop his hands and move past him. What am I going to do about him? He’s in love with me. I don’t want to hurt him, but I just don’t know if I can love someone else right now. I don’t even know what I’m feeling at this moment. How am I supposed to have feelings for another person when I’m so numb?


  I make my way back to the dining hall for lunch even though I don’t want to be here right now. I guess I’m not required to be here for lunch, but I don’t doubt the guys will be looking for me. Calculus, English III, and History II are out of the way. I’m starting to miss the magic tutoring session and my sparing classes. I stop in my tracks. That’s it! I have to give them a reason to bring Bullock out of the dungeons. They don’t know I know he is down there. If I come up with a good enough reason, maybe Roseman will pull another ‘Dad’ card and get these damn cuffs off me. If he thinks I’m warped, what does he have to be scared of? He knows I didn’t kill Maverick.

  I turn in the other direction and take out Kaliyah. She transforms and folds her hands in front of her. “How may I help you, Avalon?” she asks. If the gleam of life wasn’t shining through her eyes right now, I would’ve thought she had returned to her original state.

  “Locate my dad for me, please.”

  She bows her head, and her eyes flash with the green light. “Governor Roseman is currently in the event hall.”

  I frown. Out of all the places in the school, why is he there? “Can you show me how to get there from here?”

  “Yes. Follow me, please.” She walks in front. I wish I could talk to her about what I want to do, but I don’t know of any passages around here, and I can’t ask her to find one right now.

  I forgot how out of the way the event hall was. We literally have to go toward the entrance of Spearwood.

  Our walk there remains silent. I lucked out with not running into anyone I know.

  “We have reached the event hall.” I hate hearing her voice so lifeless.

  I hold out my hand, and she folds up before the servant standing in front of the double mahogany doors pushes one of them open. Poor guy must be bored of his skull, waiting for Roseman to finish whatever the hell he is doing in here. I thought this place was only for charity and reunion events. He wouldn’t have a reunion now that the Slayers are scoping out the place.

  I step inside. Roseman stands at the center of the room. Next to him stands a servant holding a map or something in their hands. Roseman points to something on the paper and then to an area in the room. The servant nods, hanging on his every word. I step over to them and clear my throat.

  Roseman looks up, and his eyes go wide as if he’s startled to actually see me seeking him out. I’m supposed to be his daughter, aren’t I? I have to sell that point.

  “Cookie! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at lunch?” He gives a fake laugh and looks down at me.

  Nervous much? I don’t think I’ll ever get used to his nicknames for me. This one is especially weird. “I came to talk to you about my education, Daddy.” Where’s the soap when I need to scrub my tongue?

  “Oh?” He snaps his fingers. The servant bows and steps away from us while rolling up the paper that looks like blueprints.

  “I understand I can’t use magic or be physically violent while wearing these cuffs, but I don’t think my grades should suffer because of it. I’m still not proficient in air magic, and I don’t think it would be wise to stop my tutoring session. A month is a long time to put my important education on hold. Isn’t there some way you could talk the other Governors into shortening my sentence.”

  He remains silent for a long second. “I can’t have them taken off. You have to have them on as a punishment. However, Daddy agrees with you. Your education shouldn’t suffer for this mishap. I can deactivate the cuffs for you during the classes you need, but I’ll have to supervise you and reactive them after class. Does that sound like a good idea?”

  You stalking me to every class and watching what I do or say? Of course I don’t want that, but if it gets Bullock out of the dungeons, I’ll do it.

  I give a smile, hoping it will win him over without actually having to hug him. “Yes! Thank you, Daddy.” An entire tub of soap won’t be enough to wash out my mouth after this.

  “Any requests on who you want your air tutor to be?”

  I can’t believe he actually asked that. At least, now I don’t have to do it and make myself look suspicious. “Well, since you asked, the guy I had before, Buick. Was that his name? He was a hard ass, but he was able to make me understand how to do things correctly.”

  A small frown pulls at the corners of his lips, aging him faster than a jackrabbit. Normally, he looks too young to be the Head Governor. “I believe the boy’s name was Bullock. Are you sure you want him and not one of the college students.”

  “No, I want someone my age. I feel safer with them.”

  “I’ll be there with you, Cookie.” He places a hand on my shoulder. “You don’t have to worry.”

  Yeah, because you make me feel safe. “I won’t have these cuffs forever, and I really would feel more comfortable with a guy my own age. He was the best one yet. Please let it be him, Daddy.”

  His frown deepens. “All right.”

  “Thank you!”

  “Since I want you to take you magic and physical classes again, you will start immediately. Your sparing and defence class is in twenty minutes. I will be there to supervise and temporarily remove the magic from your cuffs.

  This was all too easy, but I hope he keeps his word. I have yet to figure out what his game is, but I will somehow.

  Sparring Partner

  I stare at Lusk from across the large circle the class has formed. Out of all the guys in the class, how did I get paired with him? I’m still grateful to him for saving me, but I don’t want him to be my sparring partner.

  It doesn’t help that all of them are staring at me. They know I shouldn’t be here again with the cuffs still on. Where the hell is Roseman to briefly remove their power? He better keep his word, all of it. The teacher isn’t even here though, so maybe they’re talking? My eyes go wide. What if Roseman wants to be the teacher. . . .

  As if hearing my thoughts, Roseman comes in the large dojo-like room and slides the door into place behind him. Crap, I think I’m right. What does he know about teaching a class?

  “Good afternoon, everyone! I will be filling in for your teacher this month. He has gone on a nice vacation for a while,” he says as he enters the circle and stands at its center.

  He walks around the circle. “Today, I want to see what level you all are at. What you know. It will tell me where I have to start teaching you or reteaching you.” He stops in front of me and has me lift my hands. He glides his finger across each of them. The warmth of the magic binding them leaves.

  He steps off to the side of the circle. We’ll begin with you two. He points to the boy next to me and the guy across from me. One of the boys grabs the hand pads from their place against the wall and faces his partner, who takes off his white shirt. Most of the guys do this. I’m really not sure why. It’s not like it’s required.

  The two use the moves we’ve been taught. Most of my knowledge for this class comes from what Edgar taught me, and I guess when they ‘warped’ me this time, they put in information for this class, because when I got back, it was on my schedule. The Avalon before New York wouldn’t have been able to do anything they taught in the first class I attended.

  The two finish, and the guy puts the pads back against the wall. It’s up to us whether or not we want to use them.

  “Good, good. Now you two.” Roseman points to Lusk and I. Lusk nods and takes off his shirt. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. He turns to get the pads. I arch an eyebrow. He’s never used them with the other guys in the class. I stare at his bare back before I notice something. He has a white handprint just under his left shoulder blade.

  My mind spins, the little dots of connection lighting up. Mave
rick had a handprint on his back and so does Bullock. Is this what’s causing them not to be warped?

  He did save me from Jericho, but why wouldn’t he find some way to tell me he isn’t warped either?

  He faces me with the pads on. I guess I’m going first. I try to clear my mind. I can’t be focused on something else while I do this. I could miss the pad and hurt him if I’m not careful.

  I start with some simple alternating high kicks before moving into a roundhouse. I need to find a way to get him to understand I need to talk to him after this. I need to know what’s going on.

  I spin, alternating from kicks to forearm blocks. He moves backward, keeping with my pace. There are no current moves that are allowed that I can do to get close to him. This class is still learning non-invasive defence moves.

  Soon, it’s his turn to show what he knows. He hands over the pads, and I give him a look. I just hope he understands it means I need to talk to him. He frowns before giving a slight nod. He begins with some high kicks. Well, as high as he can go with me as a partner, which isn’t very high.

  I have to brace my legs. With each forceful kick, he threatens to knock me off my feet. I manage to take his different blows without making an ass of myself.

  “Very good, Cookie! You two can go stand back in your places!” Roseman yells. He did not just yell that. I close my eyes. Ugh. I stand back in my place.

  Quicker than I would’ve liked, class ends and Roseman puts the spell back on the cuffs. “You’ll have your first tutoring session with Bullock in the morning, right after breakfast.”

  I smile. “Thank you.”

  “Of course, Cookie.” He gives me a pat on the head.

  I blink. What just happened?

  “I have to get back to planning that party now. Come find me if you need me, Cookie.”

  I look around the class. No one but me remains. Where did Lusk go?

  I leave the classroom. I needed to speak to him. I wander the halls. This was my last real class for the day. I could go to study hall if I wanted to.

  A hand grabs my wrist, and I’m pulled into the darkness of a passage. This really has to stop. Lusk’s cologne fills my nose.

  He presses me against the wall. “What the hell do you know?”

  “You’re not warped like the rest of them, are you?” I ask, unintimidated by how close he is.

  “How do I know you’re not?”

  I hold up my wrist in the dark. “My mother put a spell on me, so I can never be warped again.”

  He sighs. “I don’t understand why I’m not warped.”

  “I think it has something to do with the handprint on your back. When did that appear?”

  He frowns. “Back when you attacked me.”

  “When I first got here? Why didn’t you say anything when Bullock showed the group his in New York?”

  He shrugs. “I’d rather not air my business to the world.”

  I sigh. “Well, at least I have another ally.”

  Fallen Binds

  “I beg you; continue to act like you hate me. I need to be able to protect you, and I can’t do that if they think I’m not warped. Look at what happened to Bullock. You’re lucky you were able to get him out because they’re acting dumb.” He places a warm hand on my shoulder. I welcome the small comfort. My mind goes a thousand places.

  I nod and lick my lips. He’s right. The more secret allies I have the better it will be for us all in the end. “Don’t worry; I won’t say anything about you. I’m just glad I understand what caused you guys to not be warped. I just wish I knew what I did to make it happen, so I can repeat it later.”

  He lets go of me and turns toward the opening. “We can’t worry about it right now. I’ll be in touch.” He walks away before I can say anymore. I have so many questions still.

  My only option with classes over is to go back to my dorm. Maybe Dante and the rest of the guys will want to hang out. Ever since Jericho, I haven’t wanted to be alone. I hate feeling so weak and helpless. My heartrate picks up. What if someone ambushes me and I go paralysed the second I try to defend myself? There’s Kaliyah, but walking around with her out when I’m not lost would be strange and draw too much attention. I inch further into the passage. I’ll just take this all the way to my rooms. That way I can have Kaliyah out, and no one will know.

  She unfolds too quickly into her normal form and looks around. Seeing we’re in the clear, she lets out a sigh. “It’s so nice to be let out again. You don’t know this, but when we’re folded up, we hear all the chatter of the other P.A. calculating where they are and listening to what their owners are saying. It’s really annoying when you realize you don’t have to listen to it. It all went quiet once you came in here though.”

  I nod. “That’s good. Maybe that’s how The Watchers listen in on what we’re talking about. For it to go quiet in the passages means there’s a block they can’t get through. Do you know how to get back to my dorm from here?”

  She looks at me for a long second. I advert my eyes. I don’t want her to see the hint of fear in them. “It would be faster to walk there the normal way. You have to take many detours from here.”

  “I don’t feel like taking the normal way; tell me how to get there from here.”

  She folds her arms across her chest. “Your heartrate and blood pressure are erratic. What’s wrong?”

  It’s not fair she can read me like this. “Fine. I’m scared!” I snap.

  She frowns. “Of what? The Slayers? I’m not a part of them anymore, but I highly doubt they will plan an attack now. They will want to make us fragile first, and there are too many of us standing strong for them to consider that. Trust me; they will only make a move when they feel it is safe.”

  The shame builds ever higher at the fact I’m scared. “It’s not that. I can’t help but replay the other day with Jericho. What if Triton hadn’t activated your alert to get Lusk and he actually finished what he started?” Hot tears fall now as my shoulders shake. “I was powerless to defend myself. I couldn’t do anything. I may have some of my power back now, but it’s only when Roseman is around.”

  Kaliyah pulls me into her arms, and I rest my head under her chin. “Shh . . . that’s not something you should be afraid of feeling. Once we figure out how to get those damn cuffs off, your confidence will return. I’m sure of it. You won’t let what happened control you..”

  I sob harder, and she holds me until my tears subside. I back away from her and wipe my eyes. “I’m so embarrassed.”

  She smiles. “Don’t be. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing at all. Everyone needs a good cry with a friend.”

  “Friend?” I question.

  “I’ve been with you for a while, Avvi. I’ve come really respect you, and if you’ll have me, I want to be your friend.”

  I grin. I’ve never had a girl friend before. I was raised with boys, and there were never girls my age around. “I’d like that.”

  “Good! Now, let’s get back to your dorm. We have a long walk in front of us.” She slings a lazy arm around my shoulder, much like Dante used to do before he thought we were dating.


  If I weren’t used to walking for a long time by now, my legs would be tired from trudging through the maze I just went through to get here. Kaliyah wasn’t kidding when she said it would be a long walk. We agreed to have her go back into her card form before I collapse onto my big, fluffy bed. I could so go to sleep right now. I couldn’t care less that dinner is in an hour. The Governors can get their panties in a wad for all I care.

  My eyes close, and sleep eases over me. I’m asleep before I can count to ten. That spare with Lusk must’ve really tired me out.

  “Avalon, someone’s at your front door,” Kaliyah says from invisible speaker in the room.

  I groan. “Who is it?”

  “Minos Mathis.”

  My eyes snap open. What is he doing here? Dante hasn’t come around yet. There’s no reason for him to be here.
br />   “He has not left, Avalon, would you like me to open the door for him?”

  “I guess.” I get up and go to the living room. I cross my arms in front of myself. He’s not Dante; I don’t trust him. Hopefully, Kaliyah will sound the alarm if he tries anything.

  He smiles at me as he comes into the room and closes the door behind himself. “Thank you for seeing me, Avalon.” He steps over to me and holds out his hand. “I apologize for not getting to formally meeting you this morning, and I missed breakfast due to resolving some issues with my paper work.”

  I take his hand quickly and give it a light shake. “I’m aware. Dante told me.”

  “Good, it seems he no longer believes me to be a fraud. Not that I blame him.”

  He sounds so formal to my ears. Like one of the servants. “Did you only come by to introduce yourself?”

  He offers another small smile and a bent elbow. I won’t admit it’s oddly charming. “I also came by to escort you to dinner.”

  I flick my hair over my shoulder. “Dante takes me to dinner.”

  “He gave me permission to take you. Don’t worry; I think he would’ve damn near took off my head if I hadn’t asked. We can shift our wings and fly there if you want to get to him quicker.”

  I would feel safer around him too. “I can’t shift anything right now. I’m under magical and physical arrest. I can only do either if my Dad,” added solely for The Watchers listening, “is present.”

  He arches a solid black eyebrow at me. “Well, that is troublesome, isn’t it? I can fix that.”

  I frown. “What are you talking about? No one can fix these. They’re on me until my sentence is up in nearly three weeks.”

  He tuts. “No, that won’t do. We’ll just make them think you aren’t free of their powerful hold when they take them off.”

  He closes the gap between us and takes both my hands in his. Tapping both with an offbeat rhythm, he murmurs something under his breath. All weight leaves the cuffs as if I’m not even wearing them, but the warmth of their magic remains.