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Spearwood Academy Volume Eight (The Spearwood Academy Series Book 8) Page 3

  "He's right," Amr says. Handing me a glass of water. When did he go and get it?

  "Thank you." I take a gracious gulp and sigh. "I think we should at least go and test it out. If we have to move on, we have to move on. Does anyone not want to go there?" No one opens their mouth.

  "Then as soon as I finish healing Paden, we will go there."

  Lusk comes and takes a seat on the floor next to my chair. He rest his back against the side. "We'll need to walk, at least part of the way. “Dragons flying off into the distance will draw Slayer attention to us."

  I nod. "We'll have to walk part of the way, until we are far enough away that they won't notice one dragon flying around."

  "One?" Dante asks.

  We can ride on the back of whoever it is, or you can ride on my back, if that makes things easier. I can shift the colour of my scales to grey. If the sky remains overcast, I can blend with it.”

  I stand. Adrenaline surges through my body at the thought of what needs to be done, so that we can all stay out of the way of this war and keep from Aibek from finding us. I want no part in any of it. I didn’t ask for it and I don’t want more people I love and care about to die in front of me because he wants to rule the world.

  I stumble slightly over to the bed. My legs still hate me. My body in general hates me. I've been using too much magic over the last few days, but I have to pull through. I have to do this for Paden. I climb onto the bed next to him and place my hands on this left leg. This time, I am going to use Angel magic, it's the only way I can heal this kind of injury. Just as I begin to focus on the healing, Amr comes to sit next to me. He also places his hands on Paden's left leg.

  "It will go faster if I help, and you won't have to use as much of your magic as you did before."

  I nod. "Thank you."

  Bullock comes to stand behind me; he places a hand on my shoulder. Just like earlier in the day, the cool touch of his magic moves throughout my body, like sitting in a creek on a blazing hot day. "If we each share some of our magic with you, it will help too. You won't be as weak or have to use as much of your own life force." Lusk places a hand on top of mine and Dante stands with a sigh before putting a hand on my arm. Each of their magic has a different sensation to it. Lusk reminds me of a warm summer day, while Dante takes on the effect of a hot shower.

  Horace places his hand on Amr's back. I smile. I'm glad he chose to help him. It's an odd thing though, to have so many foreign magicks coursing through me at once. Yet my own magic doesn't reject them, it only fuels me. Making it so that I don't feel like I'm pulling teeth to heal Paden. The white light shines from each of our hands following into his leg. The bones pop and crunch as they return to their original positions and meld back together.

  Within minutes, we have one leg healed. It could've taken me a half an hour or longer to repair all of that just on my own. I couldn't be more thankful, or touched, that that they’re helping me. I let out a sigh of relief. "We can do this. I say. I lean further across Paden's body to touch his other leg. I try not to think about the fact that he's just in his boxers. I was never even close to Maverick in this state of undress.

  Amr has the luxury of just leaning over the other leg. The guys’ hands follow me, but move positions. Bullock's hand now rests on my lower back, Lusk stays with my hands, and Dante’s hand rests on my neck. I take in a deep breath and let it out before I glance at Amr. "Ready?" I ask. He gives a nod. "On three. One, two, three." The light shines from both our hands, but this time it more of the healing energy surges from us. As if excess from the shared magic has to escape somehow. His leg pops and crunches faster this time—like popcorn in a microwave after it has time to heat up a little.

  Soon, his legs are perfect again and we are done. "Thank you," I say to all of them. That went faster because of your help. I just need to wake up up and we can get out of here."

  I swallow hard. He'll still be brainwashed when I wake him up. I can't heal his mind too right now, that would be asking to much of my magic and my body. I'll just have to convince him I'm not the enemy. Then I can heal him once we find a safe place to lie low.

  An explosion rumbles the Cabin and dirt flies through the door.

  "We don't have much time!" Horace says.

  I place a hand on his forehead. "Wake up." The surge of blood rushing through my ears doesn't have as much power to it as it did before. Maybe my body has started getting used to the idea of me using other magicks. Paden gasps as he wakes up. He sits up. His hands going to his torso and legs. His eyes look around at all of us, like some caged animal who has just been set free.

  "It's okay. You're okay. We were able to heal you. Are you hurt anywhere else?" I reach for his hand.

  He scrambles off the bed, falling to the floor before he rights himself. "Get away from me, I don't need your help, I didn't want it in the first place. This won't restore our promise of marriage!"

  His warped mind has made him deranged. Making me to be the source of all evil. I move across the bed and grab his hand. If I can access the guys’ memories by touching them, maybe I can share my own with them as well. "Paden, we were never engaged. That was a rouse set up by Roseman. None of your current memories are real. You didn't grow up in a mansion, and your parents have been missing for years now. Remember? You and Maverick came to live with me when you were fourteen. Let me show you." I close my eyes and focus on the memories of when we were little. Our training, us playing together, watching anime and Kdramas.

  We all sat by the creek. Both Paden and Maverick cried. I'd never seen them cry this much, they always tried to be strong and never let their emotions get the better of them. But it had been two days and their parents Lyric and Melody hadn't returned home, and they weren't answering any of the contact phones they had left for them to try.

  "It will be okay,” I say, rubbing each of their backs. "They'll come back eventually. They always do. I'm sure your dad just was just tied up in some lengthy business meeting in New York and they haven't been able to find a phone to call us.

  Both of them come to lean against me and I wrap my arms around them. "It will be okay," I say again. "I'll always be here with you guys." They smile, and do the whiskers marks on each of my cheeks.

  "I know, Lon. You're always one to give us hope.

  Next, I show him the final day I spent with Maverick.

  We look to each other. We’re almost in the clear. We just have to make it to the Cabin in one piece. “Do you need help getting on your horse? He’s bigger than your last one.”

  I smile. I could probably get up on him myself, but the idea of Maverick helping is tempting. I wish we could be like a normal couple. We’re older now, we could really date, see the world . . . if we want to. “I could use some help.” I bite my lip.

  He grins. He walks over to me and places his hands on my hips. I look up into his ocean-blue eyes. Leaning over, he kisses me. Why can’t every second of the day be like this moment? I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. He lifts me up and breaks the kiss as he places me on the horse. I turn my body and lift my leg over the saddle.

  “We need to get going, so we can talk,” he says. “I could kiss you all day long and never tire of it. Just know that.”

  “I feel the same way.”

  He gets on his palomino horse, and we turn toward the forests on the edge of the land. “You don’t have your P.A. right?”

  He shakes his head. “You?”

  “Safely in my dorm.”

  “Good. Want to race?”

  “Of course, you know I’ll win. I always do.”


  In the blink of an eye, we’re at the Cabin. We raced the entire way. Our horses seemed to enjoy it; they easily made it through the forest at top speed.

  We tie up the horse and go to the Cabin’s door. Maverick stops before opening the door. Hanging on the handle is a necklace. The Gypsy necklace! He lifts it off the handle and places it around my neck. I hold onto it. I won’t have to tra
nsform tonight. Wedged between the door frame and the handle sits a rolled up piece of paper. I take it out and unravel it.


  I managed to get this back for you. Keep it hidden at all costs.


  Perlow did this. I guess he truly is on our side. I hand the note to Maverick and open the door. The Cabin hasn’t changed. It still has the same décor as the last time I was here and not in control of myself. I flop down on the couch with a sigh, as Maverick closes the door behind him.

  “I wonder how he got it back.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t know, but I’m glad to have it. I have no idea what kind of person I am to them now, but if it’s anything like the version I remember being, then I wasn’t cursed to change at night. They were able to modify that in me somehow, but this time they couldn’t touch me because of this.” I show him the Algiz mark when he sits down next to me. He takes my wrist in his hands and traces the mark with his index finger. A shiver runs down my spine; not like the one I had with Dante. This one, I swear, shakes my soul.

  His eyes look into mine, and he brushes his finger over my wrist again. Another shiver racks my body, and he grins. Heat flares in my cheeks. The fireplace in front of us roars to life as if this place knows I don’t want him to see me blush and puts a spotlight on it anyway.

  “I was wondering what she did to you back there, but I didn’t get a chance to ask.”

  “It was kinda hectic, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Only a little bit. How are you feeling?”

  “Better. My chest was tight when I first woke up, but it’s gone away now. What happened after I blacked out? I know we were captured, but what was that thing that attacked me? It looked just like—”

  “You? Yeah, I was surprised too. I don’t know what it was. After you went down, even more came. They just kept coming in droves. We would take one down and five more would take their place. The last thing I remember is seeing you go down and wanting to rush to your side. Then, I got hit, and went unconscious. When I woke up, I was in my room here at Spearwood. I thought it was odd that they would put us back in our beds, and let us walk around. After what we did, the punishment should’ve been more severe. Then I found Paden and realized what they had done. He’s not acting like the Paden we know. If anything, I would call him a pretentious prick. I was worried you had been affected too, when I first saw you being affectionate with Paden, but then I saw the look in your eyes, and I knew the truth.

  “Yeah, I’d say that would be right on the mark. I’ve never heard him say someone acted too civilian in his entire life. Why weren’t you affected?”

  “I honestly don’t know. I just wasn’t.”

  “Well, at least we have each other. We need to figure out how to fix the others. It’s not like we can run off to New York again, and I have no idea what the Sea Witch used in that broth, but it tasted like pure bile.”

  “I don’t know either. We’ll find a way; we always do.”


  I walk around the living room. “Mav?” I call.

  “Out here!”

  One of the windows near the front door stands open. I go outside and cup the mug with both hands. “What are you doing out here? It’s kinda chilly.”

  “I don’t feel it. Look at how beautiful the sunrise is.”

  Hues of pink and purple mingle together amongst the fluffy clouds. The clearing around the Cabin gives a perfect view of it. “Absolutely gorgeous,” I say.

  I stand next to him and he wraps his arm around me and gives me a kiss on the head. I sigh. I wish we could stay here forever.

  “I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to ruin it.”

  He sets his mug down and turns me so my back faces the Cabin. “You didn’t ruin anything. I love you and nothing could ruin that.”

  “I’m so glad I admitted my feelings to you in the barn that day. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “That was the happiest day of my life.”

  He leans over and kisses my forehead, nose and lips. I run my hand through his black hair. The white forelock hangs in front of his eyes, and I push it behind his ear. I like that he hasn’t tied it back yet for the day. “Let’s just stay here forever. No one knows we’re out here. We could just live in the forest.”

  Maverick sighs. “You know we can’t do that, Lon. We have to fix my brother and yours. We can’t leave them in that state.”

  He’s right. I wish he wasn’t. “Then let’s just stay here for the morning and make out. I don’t want to have to think about the rest of the world.”

  He grins. “Now, I think that could be arranged.”

  His warm lips meet mine in a gentle kiss, but a thump makes me pull away from him. Where did that sound come from? No one else is out here.

  Maverick grunts, and I look to him. He grips at his chest and falls to his knees. A gasp escapes him.

  “Mav?” Cold rushes over my body. I fall to my knees with him. “Mav, what’s wrong?”

  Blood trickles down the corner of his mouth. I can’t breathe. I look over his shoulder. The end of an arrow sticks out near the left side of his back. Red feathers attached as the fletching. “Oh God!” I gasp. “I need to heal you now!”

  He rips open his shirt. A black spot spreads out over his heart. He shakes his head no. “You can’t,” he gasps. “I’ve been poisoned by nightshade. There’s no cure.”

  His body falls forward into me. “I have to try. My Angel powers will cure you.”

  He shakes his head against my shoulder. “No. That will kill you.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “I do.”

  A sob erupts from me. My fingers go into his long black hair. “Please don’t leave me.”

  “You need to live, Lon.” His gasps are becoming shorter.

  “I don’t want to live without you. This isn’t the end.”

  Maverick uses my shoulders to push himself up to look at me. He kisses my forehead; his lips blue, an effect of the nightshade. “I . . .” He sways and falls forward again. His body convulses in my arms before he goes still.

  “Maverick?” I can’t feel his breath on my shoulder. I lift a hand to check for a pulse. Nothing. “Maverick!”

  I open my eyes only to find the image of Maverick dying fading form a sphere in front of me. I wipe away the hot tears that snail down the sides of my cheeks. I wasn't expecting everyone to see that. I thought he would only see it like I do in their minds. I didn't want everyone to see my last day with Maverick, but Paden needed to see it for closure.

  Paden yanks his hand from mine. He has tears in his eyes as well. "Are you part sorceress now too?" I don't believe you! I don't believe any of it. You're trying to trick me!"

  "No!" I say. Tears start coursing down my cheek harder. "No, Den. You're brainwashed. Try to look past the memories they placed in the front of your mind and dig deeper. "

  "Where are my clothes, what did you do with them?" A new set of the Spearwood uniform appears on the bed, folded. Another explosion shakes the Cabin, even more dirt and rock fly through the door.

  "We don't have time for this. We need to get out of here before they bomb the place!" Triton yells, as the noise of the battle grows louder as it gets closer.

  I search my mind, for something, anything that his false memories won't be able to dissuade him from. I need physical proof.

  "Look at the bottom of your right foot! I say.

  I take off my own right shoe and sock. "You'll have two scars there that match mine. When I was seven and you were nine, the three of us triad to do a blood binding ritual from one of Edgar's forbidden books. We failed, because we didn't know how to harness the magic right, and that's the day we learned about the prophecy that I would have to marry the Unmarked Royal. You can't explain that away." I show him my foot two scars line the bottom; one was made by Maverick and the other by him.

  "Stop telling lies!" he screams as two more bombs hit. Dust starts to fall from the rafters.r />
  He turns his back on me while he gets on the slacks. An orange red handprint rests on his left shoulder blade, across from the Vox mark. My eyes widen. He didn't have that there before. That means he just got it when I healed him with the fire magic, but why? Shouldn't it have cured his mind as well, or did he need to have it before they tried to brainwash him?

  I put my shoe back on. "Please look. It won't kill you to look."

  He sighs as he starts to throw on the white button down. "No." He slips his feet into a pair of loafers. "I'm leaving now. Don't appear in front of me again, or you will regret it. "

  He walks out the door, just as another explosion hits, this one closer than any that had come before it. He falls back and crashes into the ground. The bed slides across the room stopping only once it slams into the far wall. Dante grabs my hand and pulls me off the bed. "Enough of this, we need to go now! We won't have another chance before a bomb hits this place and blows up it and us."

  Paden gets to his feet and rushes out the door ahead of us. We run diagonally through the forest, where the bombs haven't torched it into flames. Black smoke billows around us. My eyes water and my nose and throat burn. Animals run past us and over our feet, nearly tripping me a few times. Dante manages to keep me upright. I've lost Paden in the smoke. I have no idea where he's gone. I try glancing behind us, but I can hardly see the others. Sun god, I hope they are keeping up and losing us in the smoke too.

  The end of the forest comes into sight. The edge where the mountain meets the trees. We jump out of it and stay close to the rock. Paden runs into the field, narrowly missing the arrows that fly down all around him. A dragon's roar echoes across the entire mountain. Off in the distance a pure white dragon, with red eyes appears over everything their form even larger than mine.

  "Paden!" I scream.

  "Let him go. He's too far gone," Dante growls.